According to the adjusters, speaking the language of the industry and flushing out points that might be overlooked by the policyholder alone greatly enhance the chances of the claimant receiving their maximum due. They point out that insurance companies are in business to make money—and with the aid of public adjusters, sometimes they’re forced to pay more to policyholders.
There are many things we can get started on right after a loss of any type.

We will secure the property, as well as provide restoration services to save the property from further loss. We will find your family temporary housing; this can include accommodating the family in a hotel while assisting in finding a rental property. We will immediately begin your building estimates and inventories so they are ready and available before the company adjuster makes it to your house.

What the Insured individuals don’t typically understand is that your Insurance companies’ adjuster has hundreds of claims on their desk. If you use anyone but Northeast Adjustment, you will soon realize you are just a policy number and not a person who just suffered a loss.

Once a public adjuster is involved in a claim—whether it’s when the phone call is made upon the discovery of loss, or when a settlement gets more complicated down the road – they will begin the process of arbitrating and advocating on behalf of their client, the insured.

Insurance adjusters know the questions to ask, measurements to take, and avenues for helping the insured—which can include arranging housing for them if there’s been a fire or other disaster.